You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
- L Xu, Y Zhao, M Li, KG Schilling, RD Lawless, S Choi, Z Zu, BP Rogers, Z Ding, AW Anderson, BA Landman, JC Gore, Y Gao. “Altered White-Gray Matters Functional Connectome in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease”. Brain. (Submitted)
- L Xu, Y Gao, M Li, DR Lawless, Y Zhao, KG Schilling, BP Rogers, AW Anderson, Z Ding, BA Landman, JC Gore. “Functional Correlation Tensors in Brain White Matter and the Effects of Normal Aging”. Front Aging Neurosci. (Under revision)
- M Li, KG Schilling, F Gao, L Xu, S Choi, Y Gao, Z Zu, AW Anderson, Z Ding, BA Landman, JC Gore. “Quantification of Mediation Effects of White Matter Functional Characteristics on Cognitive Decline in Aging”. Cerebral Cortex. 2024; 34(3): bhae114
- KG Schilling, JA Chad, M Chamberland, V Nozais, F Rheault, D Archer, M Li, Y Gao, L Cai, F Del’Acqua, A Newton, D Moyer, JC Gore, C Lebel, BA Landman. “White Matter Tract Microstructure, Macrostructure, and Associated Cortical Gray Matter Morphology Across the Lifespan”. Imaging Neuroscience. 2023; 1:1-24
- Z Zu, S Choi, Y Zhao, Y Gao, M Li, Z Ding, JC Gore. “The Missing Third Dimension – Functional Correlations of BOLD Signals Incorporating White Matter”. Science Advances. 2023; 10(4): eadi0616.
- L Xu, S Choi, Y Zhao, M Li, BP Rogers, JC Gore, Y Gao, and Z Ding. “Seasonal Variations of Functional Connectivity of Human Brains”. Scientific Reports. 2023; 13, 16898.
- KG Schilling, M Li, F Rheault, Y Gao, Leon Cai, Y Zhao, Z Zu, Z Ding, AW Anderson, BA Landman, JC Gore. “Whole-Brain, Gray and White Matter Time-Locked Functional Signal Changes with Simple Tasks and Model-Free Analysis”. PNAS. 2023; 120(42): e2219666120.
- Y Gao, Y Zhao, M Li, DR Lawless, KG Schilling, L Xu, AT Shafer, LL Beason-Held, SM Resnick, BP Rogers, Z Ding, AW Anderson, BA Landman, JC Gore. “Functional Alterations in Bipartite Network of White and Grey Matters During Aging”. NeuroImage. 2023; 278:120277.
- M Li, Y Gao, DR Lawless, L Xu, Y Zhao, KG Schilling, Z Ding, AW Anderson, BA Landman, JC Gore. “Longitudinal Changes in White Matter Functional Networks across Late Adulthood”. Front Aging Neurosci. 2023; 30(15) 1204301.
- Y Zhao, Y Gao, Z Zu, M Li, KG Schilling, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Detection of Functional Activity in Brain White Matter Using Fiber Architecture Informed Synchrony Mapping”. Neuroimage. 2022; 258:119399.
- Y Zhao, Y Gao, M Li, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Functional Parcellation of Human Brain Using Localized Topo-Connectivity Mapping”. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2022; 41(10):2670-2680.
- M Li, Y Gao, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Dynamic Variations of Resting-State BOLD Signal Spectra in White Matter”. NeuroImage. 2022; 250:118972.
- Y Gao, M Li, AS Huang, AW Anderson, Z Ding, SH Heckers, ND Woodward, JC Gore. “Compromised Functional Connectivity of White Matter During Rest and Working Memory Tasks Associates with Cognitive Impairments in Schizophrenia.” Schizophrenia Research. 2021; 233, 101-110.
- M Li, Y Gao, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Power Spectra Reveal Distinct Time Courses in White Matter During Resting State.”. PNAS. 2021; 118(44): e2103104118.
- Y Gao, A Sengupta, M Li, Z Zu, BP Rogers, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Functional Connectivity of White Matter as a Biomarker of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s disease”. PLoS ONE. 2020; 15(10): e0240513.
- M Li, Y Gao, F Gao, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Functional Engagement of White Matter in Resting-State Brain Networks”. NeuroImage. 2020; 220: 117096.
- V Nath, KG Schilling, P Parvathaneni, CB Hansen, AE Hainline, Y Huo, JA Blaber, I Lyu, VA Janve, Y Gao, I Stepniewska, AW Anderson, BA Landman. “Deep Learning Reveals Untapped Information for Local White-Matter Fiber Reconstruction in Diffusion-Weighted MRI”. Magn Reson Imaging. 2019; 62: 220-227.
- JC Gore, M Li, Y Gao, TL Wu, KG Schilling, Y Huang, AT Newton, BP Rogers, LM Chen, AW Anderson, Z Ding. “Functional MRI and Resting State Connectivity in White Matter–a Mini-Review.” Magn Reson Imaging. 2019; 63: 1-11.
- KG Schilling, V Nath, C Hansen, P Parvathaneni, J Blaber, Y Gao, P Neher, et al. “Limits to Anatomical Accuracy of Diffusion Tractography using Modern Approaches”. NeuroImage. 2019; 185: 1-11.
- TL Wu, F Wang, M Li, KG Schilling, Y Gao, AW Anderson, LM Chen, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Resting-State White Matter-Cortical Connectivity in Non-human Primate Brain”. NeuroImage. 2019; 184:45-55.
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, I Stepniewska, VA Janve, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Anatomical Accuracy of Standard-Practice Tractography Algorithms in the Motor System - A Histological Validation in the Squirrel Monkey Brain.” Magn Reson Imaging. 2019; 55: 7-25.
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, I Stepniewska, VA Janve, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Histologically Derived Fiber Response Functions for Diffusion MRI Vary Across White Matter Fibers – an Ex Vivo Validation Study in the Squirrel Monkey brain.” NMR in Biomedicine. 2019; 32(6) e4090.
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, M Li, TL Wu, J Blaber, BA Landman, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Functional Tractography of White Matter by High Angular Resolution Funcitonal Correlation Imaging (HARFI).” Magn Reson Med. 2018; 81(3): 2011-2014.
- Z Ding, Y Huang, SK Bailey, Y Gao, LE Cutting, BP Rogers, AT Newton, JC Gore. “Detection of Synchronous Brain Activity in White Matter Tracts At Rest and Under Functional Loading.” PNAS. 2018;115(3): 595 -600.
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, M Christian, VA Janve, I Stepniewska, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “A Web-Based Atlas Combining MRI and Histology of the Squirrel Monkey Brain.” Neuroinformatics. 2018. 1-15.
- KG Schilling, VA Janve, Y Gao, I Stepniewska, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Histological Validation of Diffusion MRI Fiber Orientation Distributions and Dispersion.” NeuroImage. 2018;165:200-221.
- Y Gao, KG Schilling, I Stepniewska, AJ Plassard, AS Choe, X Li, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Tests of Cortical Parcellation Based on White Matter Connectivity using Diffusion Tensor Imaging.” NeuroImage. 2018; 170: 321-331.
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, VA Janve, I Stepniewska, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Confirmation of a Gyral Bias in Diffusion MRI Fiber Tractography.” Human Brain Mapp. 2018; 39(3): 1449 -1466. HBM 2019 Editors’ Choice Award
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, VA Janve, I Stepniewska, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Can Increased Spatial Resolution Solve the Crossing Fiber Problem for Diffusion MRI?” NMR Biomed. 2017;30(12):e3787. Selected as Cover Image
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, I Stepniewska, TL Wu, F Wang, BA Landman, JC Gore, LM Chen, AW Anderson. “The VALiDATe29 MRI Based Multi-Channel Atlas of the Squirrel Monkey Brain.” Neuroinformatics. 2017; 15(4): 321-331.
- KG Schilling, Y Gao, I Stepniewska, AS Choe, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Reproducibility and Variation in Diffusion Measures in the Squirrel Monkey Brain, In Vivo and Ex Vivo.” Magn Reson Imaging. 2017; 35: 29-38.
- KG Schilling, Vaibhav A. Janve, Y Gao, Iwona Stepniewska, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Comparison of 3D Orientation Distribution Functions Measured with Confocal Microscopy and Diffusion MRI.” NeuroImage. 2016; 129: 185-197.
- RL Harrigan, BC Yvernault, BD Boyd, SM Damon, KD Gibney, BN Conrad, NS Phillips, BP Rogers, Y Gao, BA Landman. “Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Computational Imaging XNAT: A Multimodal Data Archive and Processing Environment.” NeuroImage. 2016; 124: 1097-1101.
- Y Gao, AS Choe, I Stepniewska, X Li, AW Anderson. “Validation of DTI-Tractography-Based Measures of Primary Motor Area Connectivity in Squirrel Monkey Brain.” PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(10):475065.
- CB Lauzon, AJ Asman, ML Esparza, SS Burns, Q Fan, Y Gao, AW Anderson, N Davis, LE Cutting, BA Landman. “Simultaneous Analysis and Quality Assurance for Diffusion Tensor Imaging.” PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(4): e61737.
- AS Choe, Y Gao, X Li, KB Compton, I Stepniewska, AW Anderson. “Accuracy of Image Registration between MRI and Light Microscopy in the Ex Vivo Brain.” Magn Reson Imaging. 2011; 29:683-692.
- H Bai, Y Gao, Z Zhang, L Luo. “Frequency Domain Filtering Method for DTI Tensor-Valued Images.” J Data Acquis Process. 2007.
- H Bai, Y Gao, S Wang, L Luo. “A Robust Diffusion Tensor Estimation Method for DTI.” J Comput Res Dev. 2007.
- Y Gao, H Bai, X Bao. “Advanced Fiber Tracking Algorithm by Vector Selection Criterion in DTI Images.” J Biomed Eng Research. 2007.
Conference Papers
- AL Eby, LW Remedios, ME Kim, M Li, Y Gao, JC Gore, KG Schilling, BA Landman. “Identification of functional white matter networks in BOLD fMRI.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2024. (Oral)
- Y Gao, DR Lawless, M Li, Y Zhao, KG Schilling, L Xu, AT Shafer, LL Beason-Held, SM Resnick, BP Rogers, Z Ding, AW Anderson, BA Landman, JC Gore. “Automatic preprocessing pipeline for white matter functional analyses of large-scale databases.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2023; 12464:124640U. (Oral)
- KG Schilling, V Nath, S Remedios, RG Bayrak, Y Gao, JA Blaber, Y Huo, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “Learning 3D White Matter Microstructure from 2D Histology.” Proc IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). 2019; 2019:186-190. (Poster)
- V Nath, S Remedios, P Parvathaneni, CB Hansen, RG Bayrak, CB Bermudez, JA Blaber, KG Schilling, VA Janve, Y Gao, Y Huo, I Lyu, OA Williams, SM Resnick, LL Beason-Held, BP Rogers, I Stepniewska, AW Anderson and BA Landman. “Harmonizing 1.5T/3T diffusion weighted MRI through development of deep learning stabilized microarchitecture estimators.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2019; 10949: 10.1117/12. 2512902. (Oral)
- Y Gao, M Li, Z Zu, BP Rogers, AW Anderson, Z Ding, JC Gore. “Progressive degeneration of white matter functional connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2019; 109530C. (Oral)
- Y Gao, KG Schilling, I Stepniewska, G Luo, BA Landman, H Yu, DO Classen, BM Dawant, AW Anderson. “Quantitative assessment of dMRI-based dentate-rubro-thalamiactography in squirrel monkey.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2019; 109530F. (Oral)
- Y Gao, KG Schilling, I Stepniewska, J Xu, BA Landman, DM Benoit, AW Anderson. “Tests of clustering thalamic nuclei based on various dMRI models in the squirrel monkey brain.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2018; 1057805. (Oral)
- Y Gao, P Parvathaneni, KG Schilling, F Wang, I Stepniewska, Z Xu, AS Choe, Z Ding, JC Gore, LM Chen, BA Landman, AW Anderson. “A 3D high resolution ex vivo white matter atlas of the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) based on diffusion tensor imaging.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2016; 9784:97843K. (Poster)
- P Sun, P Parvathaneni, BA Landman, AW Anderson, KG Schilling, Y Gao, VA Janve. “Integrating histology and MRI in the first digital brain atlas of the common squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2015; 9417:94171T. (Poster)
- Y Gao, KG Schilling, SP Khare, S Panda, AS Choe, I Stepniewska, X Li, Z Ding, AW Anderson, BA Landman. “A brain MRI atlas of the common squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2014; 9038:90380C. (Oral)
- Y Gao, SS Burns, CB Lauzon, AE Fong, TA James, JF Lubar, RW Thatcher, DA Twillie, MD Wirt, MA Zola, BW Logan, AW Anderson, BA Landman. “Integration of XNAT/PACS, DICOM, and research software for automated multi-modal image analysis.” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging. 2013; 8674: 10.1117/12.2007621. (Oral)